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CommunityWalk Blog

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Paths in Your Blog

With all of the functionality that I want to build into CommunityWalk it has been very difficult to prioritize and sometimes simple, obvious things fall through the cracks. Luckily there is a great community out there that helps me find these things.

As was the case with paths showing up on the blog code snippets. I released the pathing functionality with every intention of getting that done sooner rather than later, but things came up and this obvious functionality fell through the cracks. Well, thanks to a few emails from people in the community I realized the mistake and was able to sit down yesterday and crank through it. So now paths show up in the "simple" maps for blogs.

CommunityWalk Map - A Saturday Afternoon Walk Around San Francisco


  • This is unlikely to be something that I will use on my map, however I would like to thank you for all the work and effort that you are putting in to make CW even better than it is at present. I admit that I have looked at 'rival' systems but have come back to CW. I would be interested to know what ideas you have in store for the future.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:40 AM  

  • Pawtrax,

    Glad to hear you came back :) I've got lots of ideas for CW and I should be ramping up quite a bit soon enough. I would love to lay out the plans that I have but I feel like CW has already inspired a number of competitors so I'd rather not reveal too much just yet ;)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:17 PM  

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