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CommunityWalk Blog

Monday, October 03, 2005

Sahweeet Flickr Integration

I just released an enhancement that integrates CommunityWalk with Flickr! So far it lets you see your public recent photos or photos that are in photosets. It is not as fast as I would like and is a little rough around the edges, but it's pretty slick nonetheless.

To try it out just go through the process of adding photos like you normally would, but when the photo upload page displays click "Grab Photos From Flickr". This will display a new page that lets you enter your Flickr username or email and will pull up your photos for you, including the title, description and an automatic link back to Flickr.

And yes, I realize this sort of makes CommunityWalk the bastard child of Google and Yahoo, but it makes CommunityWalk a better application, so there wasn't much of a choice.

Hope you all enjoy.


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